Online Course

Teaching listening and notetaking skills at CEFR B2-C1

Online dal 29/03/2022

Incontra Trinity -


This short course is aimed at teachers who would like to gain a deeper understanding of how they can help learners develop effective note-taking strategies that can be used during listening tasks and beyond. It has been designed to provide support to teachers who are entering students for a Trinity ISE II and ISE III examination.
The overall aims are:
- to develop active listening strategies
- to raise awareness of different listening subskills required according to the task type
- to consider a range of note-taking strategies that meet different learning preferences
- to highlight the importance of learners focusing successfully on developing overall listening competency

Lingua di Lavoro


Condizioni di Partecipazione

Il corso è gratuito e riservato ai docenti di lingua inglese delle sedi di esame Trinity.
Trinity College London - Italy è un Ente accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione (Decreto 27.01.2001 confermato con Decreto 05.07.2005 ed adeguato alla Direttiva 170/2016).

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