Online Course

Assessment Strategies

Online dal 15/02/2022

Incontra Trinity -


This short course is aimed at teachers who would like to gain a deeper knowledge on the principles of testing and the positive impact preparing for Trinity’s exams can have on both teachers and learners. It has been designed to provide support to teachers who are entering students for a Trinity GESE or ISE Examination.
The overall aims of this module are:
- to familiarise with different terms related to assessment
- to examine available tools for Assessing speaking & listening (Indicazioni Nazionali -CEFR -ILOs -External Exams)
- to gain a deeper understanding of Trinity College London and its suites of examinations for speaking & listening and reading & writing
- to reflect on testing and consider how we can support student learning through assessment

Lingua di Lavoro


Condizioni di Partecipazione

Il corso è gratuito e riservato ai docenti di lingua inglese delle sedi di esame Trinity.
Trinity College London - Italy è un Ente accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione (Decreto 27.01.2001 confermato con Decreto 05.07.2005 ed adeguato alla Direttiva 170/2016).

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