
Discover the Trinity Difference: how to get 4 skills out of 2 skills

Online 07/11/2023
dalle 17:00 alle 18:00

Incontra Trinity -


Are you already preparing your students for Trinity’s two-skill exams, but would like to introduce your students to Trinity’s contemporary four-skill exam.
If that is the case, then join us for this live class where we will highlight all the similarities that exist between the two suites of exams.
During this session, we will look at the exam components that are in both the Graded Exams in Spoken English and the Integrated Skills in English exams and illustrate how it’s possible to prepare students within the same class for both of these exams. We will also try out some classroom activities that you can take away and use in class with your students.
Finally, ample space will be reserved for the exchange of good practices and for any questions.
See you there!

Lingua di Lavoro


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L'iniziativa formativa è gratuita e riservata alle sedi di esame Trinity.
Trinity College London - Italy è un Ente accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione (Decreto 27.01.2001 confermato con Decreto 05.07.2005 ed adeguato alla Direttiva 170/2016).
E' previsto l'esonero dall'insegnamento secondo la normativa vigente.

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