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How to create your own virtual Quiz Show
dalle 15:00
alle 16:00
TV style Quiz Shows can create a favourable atmosphere and a supportive environment that helps students to learn as they encourage both cooperation and competition. Join us in this how-to workshop to learn how to create a virtual Quiz Show in Flippity. By the end of the session, participants will have created their very own Quiz show and will be able to share their creations and ideas with our teacher community.
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Condizioni di Partecipazione
L'iniziativa formativa è gratuita.
Trinity College London - Italy è un Ente accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione (Decreto 27.01.2001 confermato con Decreto 05.07.2005 ed adeguato alla Direttiva 170/2016).
E' previsto l'esonero dall'insegnamento seconda la normativa vigente.