
Innovations in language teaching and performance-based assessment (Half-day training event)

Reggio Calabria 27/11/2017
dalle 08:30 alle 14:00

Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore "Boccioni-Fermi" (plesso Fermi)

Via Sbarre Diram. Laboccetta, 25 - 89132 Reggio Calabria (RC)


08:30 - 09:30 Registration
09:30 - 11:30 Morning Workshops I II or III Part I
11:30 - 12:00 Coffee Break
12:00 - 14:00 Morning Workshops I II or III Part II

I - GESE Grades 1,2,3,4 (2-skill examinations Speaking & Listening) at CEFR level pre-A1, A1, A2.1, A2.2
Learners of English like to know that they are progressing and that the language they have learned can be used in real-life situations. This teacher training workshop will focus on building confidence and motivation in English language communication, through a variety of innovative teaching ideas including cooperative learning, role plays, CLIL-compatible tasks and more. Participants will engage in hands-on activities, all designed to maximise speaking opportunities while also preparing learners for successful performance in Trinity’s Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE).
II – GESE Grades 4,5,6,7 (2-skill examinations Speaking & Listening) at CEFR level A2.2, B1.1, B1.2 and B2.1
Giving each and every learner the opportunity to discover their voice creates a positive framework for pupils to play an active role within the English language classroom. As a way to privilege speaking and listening, this workshop will provide insights into innovative and creative teaching ideas which are designed to increase students’ communicative effectiveness and to support them in becoming more fluent users of English. It particularly focuses on their interactive and collaborative potential in both performance-based language learning and assessment.
III – ISE I and ISE II (4-skill examinations Speaking, Listening, Reading & Writing) at CEFR level B1 and B2
Changes in society, cultural developments and the widespread use of modern media have led to an increasing number and variety of teaching approaches. This workshop offers a fresh take on communicative language teaching principles where participants will explore the skills required for Trinity’s Integrated Skills in English exams at CEFR levels B1 and B2. During the workshop participants will also be encouraged to experiment a number of practical real-life tasks that have been designed to engage learners in the contemporary classroom and improve performance in all the 4 skills.


Docenti di lingua inglese delle scuole private e pubbliche di ogni ordine e grado

Lingua di Lavoro


Condizioni di Partecipazione

La partecipazione è gratuita.
Il seminario è a numero chiuso e l'iscrizione online è obbligatoria.
Trinity College London - Italy è un Ente accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione (Decreto 27.01.2001 confermato con Decreto 05.07.2005 ed adeguato alla Direttiva 170/2016).

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