
What do learners expect of the 21st Century teacher?
Reflecting learning purpose - Trinity Workshop for private language teachers

Reggio Calabria 29/01/2020
dalle 09:30 alle 14:00

Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore "Boccioni-Fermi"

Via Itria - 89129 Reggio Calabria (RC)



The Trinity Italian Support team is pleased to announce our new Trinity Café aimed at teachers from private language schools, private training centres, cultural institutions and freelance teachers.
The collaborative format of the Trinity Café methodology involves teachers working in small groups to learn from each other and share activities that address the challenges encountered in today's classroom.
We will be discussing some of the challenges faced while preparing candidates for Trinity exams, and sharing strategies and techniques designed to help students overcome these difficulties.
We will also be exploring opportunities that are available to students who are seeking to develop their skills in Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing in English.

Take away resources will be made available to all teachers participating.

Teachers with no experience in preparing students for Trinity exams will also work on familiarisation activities.

09:00 - 09:30 Registration
09:30 - 11:30 Trinity Café Part 1
11:30 - 12:00 Break
12:00 - 14:00 Trinity Café Part 2


Teachers from private language schools, private training centres, cultural institutions and freelance teachers

Lingua di Lavoro


Condizioni di Partecipazione

This training event is free of charge.
Places are limited, therefore it is compulsory to pre-register using the form below.

This initiative is not included on the Ministry platform SOFIA.

Restiamo in contatto

Ricevi gratuitamente aggiornamenti su formazione, risorse didattiche e idee per le tue lezioni!

Incontra il team di supporto o richiedi una consulenza personalizzata con un nostro esperto.