
Honouring Achievement, Rewarding Excellence and Promoting Continuity (Half-day training event)
Start strong! Stay strong!

Brescia 29/11/2018
dalle 08:30 alle 13:30

Hotel Vittoria

Via X Giornate, 20 - 25121 Brescia (BS)


La continuità dell’apprendimento, la valorizzazione di ogni successo conseguito, la motivazione a lungo termine e la premiazione delle eccellenze sono temi che rivestono particolare importanza per il Trinity College London, ente certificatore che offre un portfolio di esami adatti a ogni età e abilità. È proprio per questo che il tema Honouring Achievement, Rewarding Excellence and Promoting Continuity, viene riproposto anche in versione “workshop”.
La preparazione agli esami Trinity favorisce percorsi di apprendimento stimolanti che incoraggiano la continuità orizzontale e verticale, tengono in considerazione le "mixed abilities" presenti in ogni classe e mettono in risalto i risultati raggiunti da tutti gli studenti valorizzando al contempo le eccellenze.
Per mantenere alta la motivazione e per consentire di acquisire l’autonomia e le competenze comunicative in lingua inglese necessarie a promuovere la cittadinanza globale è importante garantire agli studenti percorsi di apprendimento continuativi.
In questi workshop il team di supporto Trinity invita tutti i partecipanti a collaborare in modo positivo sui temi della continuità e delle abilità comunicative attraverso una partecipazione attiva e una metodologia ispirata a un ambiente di lavoro divertente e produttivo.
Oltre alle risorse che verranno messe a disposizione durante il workshop, il team invita i partecipanti a scambiare e a condividere i propri materiali utilizzati nella preparazione degli esami.
Tutti i docenti che partecipano al workshop potranno:
• Scoprire e condividere strategie e attività atte a promuovere la continuità nell’apprendimento e nell’insegnamento della lingua inglese
• Cimentarsi con attività pratiche concepite per favorire l’autonomia e il coinvolgimento degli studenti
• Acquisire consapevolezza delle abilità necessarie per una performance di successo negli esami Trinity
• Condividere e riflettere con i colleghi sulle attività da svolgere in classe

Dopo il workshop i docenti che lo desiderano potranno entrare a far parte della nostra "teacher community" online dove potranno, insieme ai colleghi e ai tutor, continuare i dialoghi iniziati durante il lavoro laboratoriale. La nostra "teacher community" offrirà inoltre l’accesso a ulteriori attività e risorse per continuare a lavorare sui temi trattati.

Per qualsiasi dubbio relativo alla scelta del workshop, è possibile contattare il team di supporto per chiedere ulteriori chiarimenti utilizzando i seguenti contatti:
telefono: 0534 801 902

08:30 - 09:00 Registration
09:00- 11:00 Workshop Part I
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 - 13:30 Workshop Part II

An A-Z of Trinity College London Examinations
This workshop is aimed at teachers from all school types who have never prepared students for Trinity exams.
The purpose of this workshop is to introduce teachers to Trinity College London’s exam suites. Participants will be invited to join in some demonstration activities which illustrate the task types from Trinity exams and highlight opportunities for teachers to engage learners in activities that can help develop key competences, while preparing students for successful performance in the exams. By the end of the workshop, participants will be familiar with the Trinity examinations offer and ready to share ideas with colleagues in the second part of this workshop. They will also gain knowledge of what is necessary to do in order to register students to take Trinity examinations.
Take away resources will be made available to all teachers attending this workshop.
GESE 1-2-3-4 and ISE F - CEFR pre A1-A2
The workshop is aimed at scuola primaria and secondaria di I grado teachers who prepare for Trinity’s Speaking and Interactive Listening at GESE Grades 1,2, 3, 4 (CEFR levels pre-A1 to A2) and/or for the Trinity ISE Foundation exam (CEFR level A2).
There is often a tendency to enter a whole class at the same Trinity Grade. This very often leads to choosing a level that can suit most learners, by default penalising the weaker and the stronger ones. This approach can lead to a potential negative impact on the motivation of those learners that are excluded as well as those who are put into a level which is too easy for them. In this workshop we will look at ways of preparing learners within the same class at the level that best reflects the true abilities of each individual, as well as evaluating the opportunities offered by the Trinity learning pathways to reach all learners’ full potential so that excellent students are given the chance to demonstrate their competence, while leaving nobody behind.
This new workshop format involves teachers working in small groups to explore and share activities that address the challenges encountered at these Grades, for example, getting learners to ask questions naturally in a one-to-one conversation, choosing appropriate topics, and avoiding memorisation and recitation during the topic phase. Teachers will also look at ways of ensuring an effective transfer between CEFR levels to enable students to sit higher levels in lower secondary school. To this effect we will also be experimenting strategies and activities to achieve higher levels in the GESE pathway or to ensure the transition from a 2-skill to a 4-skill exam at the exit of the lower secondary school, by taking advantage of the modular features of Trinity’s 4-skills ISE exams.
Participants will take part in discussions on ways to plan their English lessons in continuity between school cycles so as to build on learners’ achievements and to encourage teachers to enter their students at higher levels at the end of scuola primaria and secondaria di I grado.
Take away resources will be made available to all teachers attending this workshop.
GESE 5-7 - CEFR B1-B2 and ISE I - CEFR B1
The workshop is aimed at scuola secondaria di I e II grado teachers who prepare for Trinity exams which test Speaking and Interactive Listening at GESE Grades 5, 6, 7 (CEFR levels B1-B2) and/or for the Trinity ISE I exam (CEFR level B1).
Language learning is most efficient if students continue the studies they have already begun. To avoid start again effects, this workshop will address the challenges of building a broader repertoire of teaching strategies that are stimulating and practical to ensure autonomy and continuity of learning especially for adolescents and young adults.
Since oral competencies play a vital role, as English language teachers we must value these competencies and ensure that students continue to develop them throughout their learning journey. In addition, we will discuss strategies to maximise learner autonomy and share activities aimed at building transferable skills required for academic study and employability.
The graded system of the GESE exams provides a motivational tool, which encourages teachers to develop personalised learning pathways for their students. Each student may at some point in their language learning journey want to demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively using all the 4 skills, this is why we will also be looking at the opportunities offered by the ISE examination and how students can build their ISE qualification over time, through its modular approach.
This new workshop format involves teachers working in small groups to discuss how learners make progress at different rates and how teachers can ensure every learner reaches their maximum potential in communicating in English.
Take away resources will be made available to all teachers attending this workshop.


Docenti di lingua inglese delle scuole private e pubbliche di ogni ordine e grado

Lingua di Lavoro


Condizioni di Partecipazione

La partecipazione è gratuita. Il workshop è a numero chiuso e l'iscrizione online è obbligatoria. Trinity College London - Italy è un Ente accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione (Decreto 27.01.2001 confermato con Decreto 05.07.2005 ed adeguato alla Direttiva 170/2016).
E' previsto l'esonero dall'insegnamento secondo la normativa vigente.

Modulo di Iscrizione

I campi indicati con sono obbligatori

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Incontra il team di supporto o richiedi una consulenza personalizzata con un nostro esperto.