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7 May 2024

Plenary session 10am - 12pm

The first day sets the stage with an insightful plenary featuring a series of distinguished speakers. Talks will encompass a diverse range of topics including language, music, and European policies, all within the context of fostering social and emotional intelligence in education. Participants will gain valuable insights from experts in the field, setting the groundwork for meaningful discussions and practical applications.


  • Emiliano Valtulini, Director Trinity College London (Italy)
  • Gisella Langé, Foreign Languages Inspector at the Italian Ministry of Education
  • Annalisa Spadolini, President of the National Committee for Practical Music Learning for All Students (Ministry of Education and Merit)
  • Sonia Londero, Head of International Recognition Trinity College London
  • Manuela Kelly Calzini, Senior Academic for English Language Trinity College London (Italy)
  • Anna Bennett, Head of Product Support for English Language Trinity College London (Italy)
  • Stefano Trevisi, Head of Product Support for Music Trinity College London (Italy)
  • Francesca Rinaldi, Business Development Manager Music Trinity College London (Italy)

14 May 2024

Workshop time 10am - 12pm

The second day participants will be invited to one of three hands-on live workshops conducted online, providing engaging, practical, and fun learning experiences. These workshops are designed to be interactive and collaborative, allowing participants to actively engage with SEL activities tailored to their specific CEFR levels. Participants will have the opportunity to explore and practice implementing SEL principles in real-time, fostering a supportive and emotionally intelligent learning environment in their own classrooms. Teachers attending the event will also gain in-depth knowledge about Trinity's suite of language and music examinations.

Participants can choose from the three workshops available:

In this teacher training workshop, participants will actively engage in a dynamic and collaborative space, by taking part in a series of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) activities designed to enhance their classroom practice. These activities aim to equip educators with practical tools and strategies to effectively implement SEL principles, ultimately fostering a positive impact on their students' social, emotional, and academic development. Additionally, the proposed activities will serve the dual purpose of preparing young learners for the Trinity suite of spoken exams at levels pre-A1, A1, and A2 (GESE & ISE).

In this teacher training workshop, participants will actively engage in a dynamic and collaborative space, by taking part in a series of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) activities designed to enhance their classroom practice. These activities aim to equip educators with practical tools and strategies to effectively implement SEL principles, ultimately fostering a positive impact on their students' social, emotional, and academic development. Additionally, the proposed activities will serve the dual purpose of preparing young learners for the Trinity suite of language and performing arts exams at levels B1 and B2 (GESE, ISE and Comm. Skills).

This online workshop will guide you in the most creative parts of Music and Drama exams, such as your Own Composition and Songwriting in Classical&Jazz and Rock&Pop certifications and write a script in Musical Theater exams. Participants will learn how to guide their students through the exploration of their own creativity. We will discuss theories and different practical approaches on how to discover personal abilities to reach self awareness and potential in the performing arts. Participants will also deepen their knowledge about resources to provide a new way of arts’ teaching, providing instruments for the art digital transformation.

How to participate

Participation is free of charge. The training initiative has a limited number of participants and online registration is compulsory.

Register now for free

Note to participants from Italy
Trinity College London Italy è un Ente accreditato dal MIM per la formazione (Decreto 27.01.2001 confermato con Decreto 05.07.2005 ed adeguato alla Direttiva 170/2016). E' previsto l'esonero dall'insegnamento secondo la normativa vigente. Questa iniziativa è inserita su S.O.F.I.A. con codice identificativo numero 92435. Per ottenere l'attestazione è necessario iscriversi sulla piattaforma entro le ore 23:59 del 5/05/2024 e partecipare a entrambe le date.

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